Weirdo geek freaks out

By katw - 10/03/2021 02:01

Today, I went on a first day with a guy. It went well up until he saw my phone, loudly declared that I was ‘gross’ for having an iPhone, and then stormed out. I’m on a family plan and if it were my choice, I would have got an Android. FML
I agree, your life sucks 903
You deserved it 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stupid thing to end a date about. he probably used it as an excuse to leave.

lol. You've got to be kidding me. Does he not want to see you now because of your phone? lmao


Android people are shite! IPhone people are smarter, better-looking and smell nicer. Stick with your people.

lol. You've got to be kidding me. Does he not want to see you now because of your phone? lmao

stupid thing to end a date about. he probably used it as an excuse to leave.

xxlk4xx 6

good riddance lol, I'm im an android person but have had an iPhone in the past, honestly I think they're both good phones! I once dropped my iPhone in the toilet and it worked as if nothing had happened to it, my mom once dropped hers in a can of paint, washed it off in the sink, let it dry out for a few days and it still worked as if it were new lol 😆

it's just a phone who cares I had iPhones and android

A phone's a phone. As long as it functions, what does it matter if it's an iPhone, Android, or whatever? Especially if you didn't pay for it. If you want an Android, asked to be removed from the plan, and pay for it yourself.

humanOrzombie 2

Definitely used it as a excuse to leave the date 🤣

wrenavery90 12

So instead of being annoyed that he's a jerk you're almost apologetic about why you have an iPhone? wow