Questionable parenting

By Anonymous - 14/11/2021 05:00

Today, I found out my son is getting bullied. His stepdad doesn’t care, in fact he’s all for bullying because he thinks it will force my son to stop being smart, or "a dork" as he calls him, and fit in with the normal kids for a change. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 312
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did you pick this asshole? Did you throw your kid completely under the bus for this ********?

sounds like hubby is a bully too. don't let him talk to or about your kid like that! I'm sorry you and your son are going through this, my heart breaks for your little boy.


How did you pick this asshole? Did you throw your kid completely under the bus for this ********?

sounds like hubby is a bully too. don't let him talk to or about your kid like that! I'm sorry you and your son are going through this, my heart breaks for your little boy.

It's either time for a serious talk or time to get a lawyer for divorce, because I can just imagine what he's saying to your son when you're not around 😠

Doom_Kitty 12

Please don't ever let this happen. We need smart people now more than ever. Take good care of your boy and get rid of the asshole of a stepdad. Someone who talks this way about kids that he should protect can't be a good influence. For anyone.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

Please get you and your son out of there 💜 if your son doesn't have safety in school, then comes home to an unsafe environment, it will cause trauma and create mental health issues down the road. The same goes for you, the stress of having to deal with that will take a toll. I'd encourage you to go to therapy, possibly your son too, and especially recommend DBT therapy. Best of luck, hope you and your son stay safe 💜

AxcentStar 18

Congratulations. You‘re married to one of his bullies. Do something before it’s too late.

munchkin77 13

Time to get rid of hubby, me thinks...

Remove this guy from your life. You have a responsibility to your child.

I'm sorry, but your husband is a dick. That would be a major red flag. makes me wonder how he treats your son when you are not around. you should have him take counseling with you and your son.

shanella 2

Keep the son, get rid of the asshole husband. Your kid deserves better than this.