Waiting For Godot 2: Electric Boogaloo
By Lexi - 04/09/2019 12:00 - United States

By Lexi - 04/09/2019 12:00 - United States
By SailorVenus93 - 26/02/2021 02:01 - United States - Fredericksburg
By ouch - 25/12/2021 14:01
By Anonymous - 10/08/2018 18:30
By Anonymous - 09/01/2014 17:59 - United States - Imperial
By Anonymous - 18/07/2020 20:01
By HornyWife - 13/06/2020 02:02
By hannieannie - 09/02/2016 21:51 - United Kingdom - Oxford
By NotAsGoodAsATruck - 03/06/2018 14:30 - United States - Ludington
By Anonymous - 24/01/2017 20:00
By booboo300 - 29/04/2019 00:00
Lol so funny
If you're not happy about that, no one is forcing you to stay with him. Sex isn't the most important thing in a relationship but it is an important thing and if the two of you aren't on the same page about it there is nothing wrong with calling it quits over this.
The lazy bastard can still finger you or buy you a vibrator. You really ought to dump him and find someone with a 21st century attitude about sex.
She agreed to be in a relationship with him knowing this. If they're not on the same page, maybe they don't belong together, but he has his beliefs, so don't rag on him just because it's not the same as yours. Who knows, maybe they won't work out, but if she's not satisfied, she has a mouth, she can speak up, then maybe they can both find someone who shares their beliefs on sex.
Good on him. If you don't like it, break up with him.
If you're not happy about that, no one is forcing you to stay with him. Sex isn't the most important thing in a relationship but it is an important thing and if the two of you aren't on the same page about it there is nothing wrong with calling it quits over this.
So you’re FML is being embarrassed to tell your conservative bf you **********? Seems like not a good match if you feel so worried about it causing tension.