When clampers attack!

By frustrated - 04/09/2019 06:00 - Australia

Today, despite being parked in my work's car park, my car got clamped. It cost me $150 to get the clamp removed and all I got was "bad luck" from my boss and the clamper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 543
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who clamped your car ? The police, local authority ? Ask for your money back if you have proof you are working in the company. No way this is legal.


What do you want? A cookie? Why would you expect the clamper to apologize? Victimizing suckers like you is how he makes his living!

Who clamped your car ? The police, local authority ? Ask for your money back if you have proof you are working in the company. No way this is legal.

How many tickets did you have? You obviously deserved it, they don't clamp just anybody's car.

tounces7 27

The police generally tow your car, not clamp it.