
By ToobyFrank - 06/03/2009 17:51 - United States

Today, my mother told me she didn't want my girlfriend spending the night anymore. I asked why, she said she heard us doing the nasty the night before and I denied it, hoping I could call her bluff. She paused for a moment and moaned EXACTLY like my girlfriend does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 169
You deserved it 68 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You still live at home with your mother, and you're sexing up girls all night while she's within earshot? You fool, YDI

lmfao, every time you hear your gf moan, you will think of your mother. score 1 for mom


It's ridiculous to say that if you're having sex you should have your own place. What if the OP and his girlfriend are in high school, or even a college they commute to? Please join us over here in reality, commenters.

Also, if I have kids I hope I'm as amazing as OP's mother.

Oh man, that memory would fell the timber the next time the girlfriend moaned.

Agreed with "Never lie to a parent who's a smartass" but at the same time your mom sucks. Why did she wait that long? And tell your girl to put her face in your neck next time, my GOODNESS.

YDI, having sex with your girlfriend when your mom is around? hahahah youre an asshole, OP.

holynemesis1208 3

i hope you didn't get turned on.

Wow. Stupid enough to have sex in your parents house. Stupid enough to deny it to their face. YDI.

ajturner1234 0

wow that's pretty hot actually. should have asked of a 1 on 1 session with her