Not now, mom!

By Anonymous - 28/09/2020 18:02 - United States - Gillette

Today, my mother showed up to pick something up from my house. I was sleeping and before I knew it she was in my bedroom, jumping on my bed, saying hi to my ex-girlfriend who she thought was with me. It wasn't my ex, and I doubt that girl will ever want to hang out again after that awkward morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 276
You deserved it 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think your mom has a good idea what a personal space and personal boundaries are. Educate.

Change your locks, do not give your family a key to your home. It could have been worse...


Part way through this story, I inexplicably started singing "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed," and got sidetracked. What happened?

That is just weird. Is there no boundaries in your household?

Change your locks, do not give your family a key to your home. It could have been worse...

I don't think your mom has a good idea what a personal space and personal boundaries are. Educate.