"Tubular Bells" by Mike Oldfield starts playing…

By Sodapop40 - 21/06/2020 05:05

Today, my mom admitted to me that, when I was a baby, my grandmother kidnapped me and took me to the priest to perform an exorcism, because she swore I was the "spawn of Satan." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 574
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Christina Winden 22

Sounds like the grandmother was the one with the disorder, not the baby


Honestly it could be an undiagnosed disorder if you misbehaved that severely. Unless she just means by like looks or something. But if it was your behavior I’d look into that.

Christina Winden 22

Sounds like the grandmother was the one with the disorder, not the baby

No, babies are just Like That. They scream, they wail, they make messes, they misbehave as they become toddlers, they're walking agents of Chaos. If you can't handle that, you shouldn't have kids.

that's epic!! I would wear like a badge of honor forever!!

"I did not have sexual relations with the Devil." - Your mom.

crazy_joe 15

Ah, Grandparents love is always so underrated.

J15237 25

I am sorry, but that is actually a bit hilarious. I mean every part at some point believes their child is the spawn of the devil. Your grandmother just took it over board, but not really an FML. Just a hilarious thing to laugh about now.