
By oxymorons - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I checked the camera I set up to find out who has been stealing my prescription painkillers: my wife, my daughter, or my son. Turns out they all are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 019
You deserved it 3 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lol they're having fun without you with your own pain killers

mannysaucedo 4

Look at the bright side: your saving money on pain killers by not having to buy any for them.

marpay 11

Or he is running out of his needed pain killers because his family is a group of ass hats who don't care if he is actually in pain. They aren't using them for pain reduction they just want to get high.

victimization 0

How is that a bright side. I am in pain for them to get high....

Seriously bro, take charge, hide the pills, and be the alpha male... Someone has to run your household; if not you, then who? Set some boundaries.

You guys have no idea what health problems this guy might have. He might not be in a position to "take control" of much of anything. Be glad you don't know what that's like.

HushHushKeeKat 0

What a badass family ya got there. ;D

FYLDeep 25

Proof that additive tendencies are genetic.

Actually very true. Addiction and mental issues / chemical imbalances can be hereditary.

33. is that something to do with the mother taking drugs, drinking, or smoking whilst pregnant? because all that will pass into the baby.

marpay 11

37- it's a genetic tendency, that has nothing to do with the mother using while pregnant. But drug use while pregnant can affect your child and cause serious problems. And it has been shown that having a mother use while pregnant can increase the likelihood that the child will have an addictive personality.

bizarre_ftw 21

Did no one else catch the "additive tendencies" not "addictive tendencies" in this?