
By oxymorons - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I checked the camera I set up to find out who has been stealing my prescription painkillers: my wife, my daughter, or my son. Turns out they all are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 019
You deserved it 3 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hannahmorgan06 7

hahaha next time you should hide them.

loah 0

taking the perks and running. I guess it's 3 against 1 now.

Sit them down in front of the t.v and say you want to show them something, hook thr camera up to your t.v, then put tue video up

Is this so they can live with you, always complaining about pain?

Aha that's terrible but funny in a twisted sort of way

leadman1989 15

Great minds think a like. A little filing here and there, some food coloring and boom a new prescription of super premo sedatives.

leadman1989 15

The real question is do they know that each other are stealing it? Son - mom what are you doing? Mom - Oh umm well I was just Son YOU'RE stealing them aren't you? I won't tell if you don't and I want a new phone >:)

leadman1989 15

Ok so the joke was bad but it is an extra FML if they all knew.

ITA with 99. Especially bad if the kids are minors & mom knows.

leadman1989 15

ITA? What does that stand for? srry if that's a noobish question.

144: "ITA" means "I totally agree." By the way, I love the icon! "Futurama" is one of my all-time favorite shows.

leadman1989 15
Thejinks 0

Haha I take my dad's all the time! You guys get the good stuff :)

It is...what? Don't be...what??? You expect him NOT to be pissed that his entire family is stealing his prescription medication that he obviously needs, just so they can have some fun at his expense? In what universe would that be considered ok? **** you, you heartless shit.