
By oxymorons - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I checked the camera I set up to find out who has been stealing my prescription painkillers: my wife, my daughter, or my son. Turns out they all are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 019
You deserved it 3 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Darklozer23 0
nicole8402 4

Schedule a "family movie night". Turn on what you recorded and watch them try to explain.

How old are the kids, OP? If they are still minors, you can get into some real trouble keeping your meds where they can get them. It also probably invalidates your pain management contract; you might want to read it over & check your the opiate policy at your doctor's office/pain management clinic. Protect yourself: especially if your pain is chronic & not temporary. Good luck.

how many times are you going to comment on the same FML?? just shut up already.

Ah, you're paying attention to how much I post. How quaint.

Malinkrot 3

junkies are sneaky liars and they can do some pretty crazy things for opiates (and money to get opiates). my ex boyfriend stole over $10,000 from both his parents and spent it all on heroin and roxicodone. he even was able to break into his moms safe to get her oxycodone and cash. so I wouldn't assume the OP is just leaving his meds out in the open. a junkie in withdrawals is a very desperate person who WILL spend hours looking for hidden pills.

Take a video of yourself sticking the pills up your ass, then have a family video night. And I don't mean the bottle, fool, I mean each individual pill!

You may be on to something here. He should announce he had his Rx changed to suppositories. They might not be so quick to steal them then! (J/K, of course)

Pinknessie 1

Time to send your family to rehab..oh yeah yeah

dumaz 2

Wow your really beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it does like the fact that we are best friends now haha Jk!!!

EarAcheMyEYE10 2