Tough choice

By Anonymous - 12/03/2011 00:02 - United States

Today, I was prescribed medicine for anxiety. Without it, my stomach churns all day. With it, I shake uncontrollably and my eyes twitch. Now I have to choose between diarrhea and rude stares from people in public. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 914
You deserved it 3 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask for another medicine? There's not just one for anxiety out there, I'm sure there's one that'll leave your eyes and body be :)

Go for the rude stares. Who knows, maybe someone will think that you're winking at them and you'll find yourself a date.


I totally understand, I have Tourettes and used to take a medicine. Instead of helping, it made me have all these weird twitchy-spazzy things. But yeah, side effects suck, FYL.

P1Nk13 7

maybe you need pepto bismol instead of anxiety meds....since apparently you need anxiety meds to control your poop

seroiusly get over your anxity its treatable so go get some fn help for it and duh change your meds theres billions out there not really billions but alot ok

There are tons of anxiety medications out there. It's difficult to find the right med with the right dose on it for everyone, because it's not a one size fits all type of pill like blood pressure or cholesterol meds. Work with your doctor/psychiatrist to find the right dose/med for you.

Or just cure your anxiety with a whole foods, organic, plant-based diet! As well as natural herbal remedies that seriously work with no annoying side effects.

jesus....ask for another med. there are many to try.