By youmothERFUCKErs - 13/08/2012 17:50 - United States

Today, yet again, I had to dye my hair brown in advance of the new school year, because my school doesn't allow "unapproved" colors, even if they're natural. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 166
You deserved it 2 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CodieMotionless 2

What color is your hair naturally? ._.

Sparks808 10

They can't make you dye your hair... That doesn't make sense or seem right at all. You go to a religious school or something? Which still doesn't make sense considering that's the color God gave you. FYL.


U relize they cant force you dye ur hair if its ur natral hair color, its illeagal if its a public school, if they denye your education, threaten to sue, u should win the court battle

119, i hate how public schools try to cemsor everything which is suppost to "prepare us for the real world" when the real world is gritty and uncensored

ellytoad 13

Unless your natural hair looks like a redder version of Leeloo's from The Fifth Element, I don't get how people automatically think red hair is dyed.

Through highschool i had issues because my hair is Blonde with natural highlights throughout it, i got suspende a few times because i refused to dye it. Try playing the ammendment card if it doesn't work threaten to lawyer up over them taking away freedoms with just cause, or join a public school, way more fun.

beachya 1

Aren't your parents getting involved!? My mom would have been pounding down their doors with shit to say about that!!! That makes no sense.

redmnky21 8

it's time to consult a lawyer for discrimination

Thank god for personal freedom in Canada! Move here u never have to due your hair agin.

voveraite 7

Yeah, OP (I assume you a redhead here) dye it... with henna! After all, it IS natural :D so that they see what *really* vivid red looks like :D

I got in trouble because my principal realised i had PREVIOUSLY dyed my hair red.