By youmothERFUCKErs - 13/08/2012 17:50 - United States

Today, yet again, I had to dye my hair brown in advance of the new school year, because my school doesn't allow "unapproved" colors, even if they're natural. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 166
You deserved it 2 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CodieMotionless 2

What color is your hair naturally? ._.

Sparks808 10

They can't make you dye your hair... That doesn't make sense or seem right at all. You go to a religious school or something? Which still doesn't make sense considering that's the color God gave you. FYL.


Apparently your school is only interested in the appearance of a good education.

AClassActx3 7

That sucks, op. My hair's naturally really curly and quite frizzy, basically looks like an 80's perm, so I had to straighten it as they wouldn't believe it was natural. They never told me to do it, but if I didn't and came in with it natural I'd have to go straight to the head teacher's office for a lecture of "so you've gone and got a perm again...".

missbotwinxo 1

Is it in their written student policy that you can only have certain hair colors? If not, get a lawyer and get out of that shithole school. And if so, tell them that they need to start shelling out money for hair dye because there's no way you should be paying for something you don't agree with. You already pay for the shit they teach you in schools. You don't need this added bullshit.

That's so stupid... I'd get out of that ******* school. When I was still in highschool, my parents made me go to a all girls catholic school. i wasn't allowed to wear make up, wear nail polish or have weird-colored hair. I was so sick of it that mid-way through the year, i just dyed my hair the color i wanted it to be (blonde) got a manicure, put my make up on, and sat in class. The teachers were ecstatic, lol :) but anyway, i stayed in that shit hole for 5 months, worst shit everrrrrrrr

DirtyPaganIrish 0

Thats total bull crap! But i bet you're a redhead. Both my neices are and the oldest has bright red, especially by the end of summer since she's outdoors a lot. Her scool tried to force her to dye her hair but her folks threatened to get the aclu involved.

Sounds like it's time to lodge a formal complaint in writing to their board or dean or whatever, by your parents.