By youmothERFUCKErs - 13/08/2012 17:50 - United States

Today, yet again, I had to dye my hair brown in advance of the new school year, because my school doesn't allow "unapproved" colors, even if they're natural. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 166
You deserved it 2 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CodieMotionless 2

What color is your hair naturally? ._.

Sparks808 10

They can't make you dye your hair... That doesn't make sense or seem right at all. You go to a religious school or something? Which still doesn't make sense considering that's the color God gave you. FYL.


paijus 0

Just let it grow out from the dye so they can see its natural. Take it up with the school board or whoever the boss' boss is so they have to allow it. Fight the system!!!

I'd press charges for discrimination. They can't do that if it's natural hair.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You should fight that some future people won't have to suffer.

This made me think of Ichigo from Bleach.

knoxxx 22

It should be illegal for an educational institution to require you to dye your hair. That's insane, I would refuse to do it.

varkey 7

They do not have the legal right to do that. Nobody has the right to force you to dye your hair. Go to the courts.

And I thought my high school was strict... I don't think this should even be legal. I wonder if they also make girls get breast reduction surgery if they don't have an approved cup size.

Take them to court, that's discriminatory and you could win big

Happier_fml 1

My school used to not allow black hair. -.- That was really stupid of youre school.

You know you can sue your school because that would be discrimination. But I guess it can differ from which country you live in because my country's charter or rights state that we can't be discriminated if anything.