By InnocenceBlue - 01/08/2019 12:00

Today, as always, my mother hates my life choices. Particularly my hair for some reason. As she's always whinging about it being dyed blonde, I dyed it back to my natural colour again to appease her, and stop the constant bullying. She hates it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 710
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You do you. If you want to be blonde then be blonde. If you live your life to make other people happy then you won’t be.

live_to_love 25

Live your life and for yourself. She will never be pleased. I am sad for people like her who will never be happy. Next time just nod and leave.


live_to_love 25

Live your life and for yourself. She will never be pleased. I am sad for people like her who will never be happy. Next time just nod and leave.

Skydome6666 6

sounds like your mum needs a good dicking. sign her up to a dating site.

Wear a hidjab and watch her freak out.

You do you. If you want to be blonde then be blonde. If you live your life to make other people happy then you won’t be.

Peaches1914 13

That's actually good for you, she set the example herself: no reason to ever listen to her opinion since it changes like the wind. You can be free now, seeing as she has nothing of value to contribute to your choices.

You deserve it for changing yourself trying to make someone else happy 🤷🏻‍♂️

ftpallday666 16

At least I’m not the only one