By my patience is starting to crack - 12/06/2017 22:00

Today, while working at a retail, I was checking on a customer who had been in one of the dressing rooms for over an hour. After knocking for 10 minutes, I unlocked the door myself, only to find the customer sitting on the floor, smoking crack. This isn't even the first time this has happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 984
You deserved it 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Working for a well known retailer in Store Systems, I had a call from a store saying "there's a guy in the bathroom, with a needle in his arm. I think he's dead." "Well, let's reboot the server..."

I think we all know where they work lol...


markeys2006 4

Hilarious! Where do you work lol

Working for a well known retailer in Store Systems, I had a call from a store saying "there's a guy in the bathroom, with a needle in his arm. I think he's dead." "Well, let's reboot the server..."

Lobby_Bee 17

You might be working in an undercover crack house.

Good on you for checking. People- usually elderly or ill people- have died in changing booths because they fell and were either unconscious or couldn't be heard by the changing room attendants.

thatslifeiguess7 16