By girlsgottagotoo - 26/06/2016 20:52 - United States - Covina

Today, I passed a cashier when I came into a store. Later I passed him again as I was leaving, and he asked me if I needed help finding something because I had been in the store for a while. I told him I had been browsing upstairs, but in reality, I had been in the restroom the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 608
You deserved it 1 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can hear the shitty puns already. Great.

doesn't sound too bad op, don't overthink it


I understand how annoying that can be. I'm a cashier too .-___-

You know it's really crappy to lie like that.

I don't see how this is an FML. You had to use the restroom. That's it.

This isn't an fml, we should be proud of every stink bomb we lay

I can hear the shitty puns already. Great.

I honestly don't get why this is an fml cause everybody does it and it's not a big deal

doesn't sound too bad op, don't overthink it