By Anonymous - 10/04/2009 06:59 - United States

Today, while working at a restaurant, I watched someone throw their car door open and hit the side of my brand new car for the third time this week. I told the woman to be more careful. She told my manager that I was being racist. As I was being yelled at, I watched her hit my car again, smiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 399
You deserved it 3 863

Same thing different taste


kwbuzz23wk 0

#19 made me LOL! that was hilarious

mrhahn530 0

number 98, you are an ignorant fool. When a black person is hired based entirely on skin color its racist. Period. You can pretend in your own little world that its not, but it is. Anyone, ANYWHERE, getting special treatment because of their skin color is racist. This "black people can't be racist" bullshit has gone too far and I'm done with it. You know i've been called racist for wanting to treat black people the same as white people? Called racist for not wanting to worship the ground they walk on. ..I'm sorry, but I've never enslaved anyone, and I don't apologize to ANYONE for things I didnt do.

$50 Not racist huh? guess offering you some fried chicken wouldn't be racist either then? is there really a difference? racism is discrimination often based on pre-perceived notions of people associated with that ethnic group. It can go both ways, there is no trickle down effect on racism. It is simply that any reverse racism is ignored, kept quiet as it were to keep minorities happy. The fact is, it is people like you that generate racism and hate my friend. By denying its existence as a two way street you are in fact giving excuse for those who were discriminated against to now be those who are prejudice. Still, have to congratulate you as a minority with no options available to you for making into a sociology degree. Oh wait, was that stereotyping again? how do i know your a minority? Because only a minority could possibly find justification in hypocrisy based on the color of their skin. now THAT is racism, learn it dumb shit oh and a bit harsh on the trailer park call there, but at least i know she doesn't have aids...another stereotype. Glad its not racism...

urban_el0quence 0

#111 Uzumaki. You amuse me. No joke. I would seriously like to debate with you. Plus I didn't want to do the paper anyway. Life of a college student I guess. #109. See #45 and #117. Thank you.

Uzumaki_fml 0

98- "Get it? Got it? Good." Danny Kaye said that. You stole it from a white guy..... Racist!! Rabble Rabble!!!!

116, you're right. But just shut up. We are not asking you to apologize, just level the playing field....

also, to the guy who made the go have sex with your sister comment... Why don't you go out back in your watermelon patch and have a picnic with some fried chicken and grape soda? you s.o.b not being racist of course, just stereotyping... by using typically associated items with race as a factor...

109, He was giving a pretty good example of reverse racism. That is how affirmative action works. Let's say a black man and a white man apply for a job. Both are qualified. The white man, however, is significantly more experienced and has had a similar job before with high marks. Affirmative action means that, regardless of being the lesser person for the job, the black man will be hired instead of the far more qualified white man. But people say it's not RACIST, it's "just affirmative action."

mrhahn530 0

number 98, you are an ignorant fool. When a black person is hired based entirely on skin color its racist. Period. You can pretend in your own little world that its not, but it is. Anyone, ANYWHERE, getting special treatment because of their skin color is racist. This "black people can't be racist" bullshit has gone too far and I'm done with it. You know i've been called racist for wanting to treat black people the same as white people? Called racist for not wanting to worship the ground they walk on. ..I'm sorry, but I've never enslaved anyone, and I don't apologize to ANYONE for things I didnt do.

rihannalover 0

#19: Yeah I triple post. Big whoop. Anyways, I hope your paper fails. **** that, **** you, **** all that come across you. Your life sucks balls, you suck balls. You're a bitch. Now onto my point... Yep, what you said right there was pretty much racism. Bitch.