By Anonymous - 09/06/2019 04:00

Today, while browsing through Walmart, I slipped on a piece of clothing and fell backwards into an obese lady’s butt. When I landed, she farted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 965
You deserved it 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After spending way too much time on the 'people of Walmart' website, this doesn't surprise me in the least...

Obviously, you pushed her fart butt-on. It’s a standard feature on fatties, along with milkshake-throwing.



You have excellent timing for physical comedy.

After spending way too much time on the 'people of Walmart' website, this doesn't surprise me in the least...

Obviously, you pushed her fart butt-on. It’s a standard feature on fatties, along with milkshake-throwing.

Stick to your terrible jokes, pencil dick.

This'll look great on the people of Walmart webpage

YDI. Her weight is t relevant. You're just triggered and butthurt that you fell, and got farted on. Maybe shop elsewhere since you're too good.

julfunky 29

At least you had some cushion for the fall.

Why does it matter that she's obese? Skinny women fart too. Would you not have cared if she'd been skinny?

Why does it matter that she's obese? Skinny women fart too. Would you not have cared if she'd been skinny?