By Dear Lord Save Me - 04/01/2015 03:56 - United Kingdom - Merthyr Tydfil

Today, I was shopping with my dad and I saw one of my guy friends, so we waved and smiled at each other. My dad clearly thought his wave was too "romantic", because he shouted at him, "Touch her, and I'll kill you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 156
You deserved it 3 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Like the overly-attached girlfriend meme, there should be an overly protective father meme.

well thats not overkill in the slightest


Like the overly-attached girlfriend meme, there should be an overly protective father meme.

malea_17 16

My dad is an overly protective father. I know he means well but I'm not allowed to date or leave the house except for school an work. He even questions when I say I'm going to church

Having an overly protective father is better than being 16 and pregnant.

#49 Neither extremes are good. Letting your kids go crazy isn't good but restricting your kids from their friends and being overprotective isn't great either.That's just my opinion on it.

#50 you are right. Neither one is good. But sometimes parents HAVE to be over protective (with wild kids for example). But there are some parents that go too far and try to control every aspect of their children's lives. I can say this because I am a survivor of such parents.

Dear God, NO. The world doesn't need any more memes

My Dad isn't overprotective, he never tried to control me, and accepts dating and sex are a part of normal life. Didn't end up having sex as a teenager even. Locking kids up means they just get more creative. Honesty and trust win.

well thats not overkill in the slightest

*Awkwardly stops waving and looks away*

myind_yabiness 13
expertsmilee 26

Do I have to follow you all day?

I am just imagining the reaction from OP's guy friend..

Protective dads are the way they be. Some do it well, while others take it a bit too far, like we have here. I'm not sure what OP's situation is with her father, but I can only hope it's all taken lightly. c:

Sounds just like my dad. Or my boyfriend, he flashes discreet fingers at anyone who even glances at me.

your bf sounds waaay too possessive if people can't even look at you.

Thats kind of creepy.. If someone just looks at you and he flips out that's extremely weird you might want to rethink that.

brasiliano 16

Just one step away from hitting u if he is that possessive. Unfortunately people like u will never understand how bad that is and will stay with him no matter what.

gobiteme2 34

People it was her father that got upset not the BF

#43 they're not talking about OP...

#35 Aren't you being a bit presumptuous? You shouldn't completely judge someone's personality and relationship, based on only one comment.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Correct 48 but that is how abusive relationships form.

Half of my family is military; strong, stubborn and overly protective. My friend wouldn't have gotten just a warning.....

Just for waving at you? That seems a bit extreme.

A romantic wave? You're dad is way too protective.