By Anonymous - 11/11/2010 21:40 - Denmark

Today, the weather man announced that today's forecast will include heavy rain and hail in my city. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal. However, my house has no roof at the moment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 188
You deserved it 4 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

marathdamane91 2

well that could be quite a problem. cover your electronics then

that's really unlucky. move all your valuables to a safe place and stay at a hotel.


marathdamane91 2

well that could be quite a problem. cover your electronics then

MrNewOrleans 0

WTF how does that work out.... well what ever you do u have to save the corn...

rallets 22

better get a big piece of tarp lol

xbox? no no no, le tthat hit get rotten in hell

So while this is going on he is on FML writing about it?

joseph42424233 0

Could be worse, I have a roof but no house walls.

rallets 22

or it could even worse.. i just have a floor, no walls or cielings

penismightier 3
godlybacon 5

I will assume his house is under construction therefore no furniture, otherwise who's the idiot to have a house without a roof

Fortuitous 0

Wait, what? Hail a what? Oh, I see what you did there. :)

C6Racer 0

C6- reread the FML. The forecast called for heavy rain and...wait for it...wait for it... There it is. :)

alyssaax3 0

maybe he should learn that birds shit freely ?

Tikwichka 5

76, I think you didn't understand his comment...

I think #76 is just completely confused.

that's really unlucky. move all your valuables to a safe place and stay at a hotel.

mona_is_here 10

Nature has a specific sense of humour, you know...

but you should have a back up plan..

He could play the game "Heavy Rain."

Fresh4416 0

that was what I was wondering

missrawrzy 0

but if they were gettin their roof redone I don't think they could just leave them there with no roof sayin "srry If it rains but it ain't our problem"

EmoPolarBearShim 0

A tree might have fallen on it or a storm might have destroyed it and etc...

luvyah 0
jimmyarmes 2

Maybe they are rebuilding from the april 27 storms?

don't worry, weather men are always wrong!

Mariah162 0

With that persons luck, he'll probably be correct today..

Go to Home Depot, and buy a bunch of that plastic sheeting to put up over your house?

That won't work, why because the rain would either weigh the plastic down and it cave or the wind would blow it away.

Yeah, I kinda figured that out after editing time ran out. I'm also pretty sure they don't have Home Depot in Denmark.

I'm sure hail will easily go through the plastic.