By kyla - 24/04/2011 05:56 - United States

Today, while shopping at American Eagle, I found the same "$1,500" wedding ring my fiancé proposed to me with, marked on sale for $10.95. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 071
You deserved it 9 600

Same thing different taste


Oh my lord, OP, grow the **** up. Geez, I am so fed up with women who bitch about the price of the engagement/wedding ring or the dress or whatever the case may be. JUST BE HAPPY YOU'RE MARRYING A MAN YOU LOVE, YOU SELFISH WRETCH. God, if I were lucky enough to be with a man I loved and he proposed AT ALL, I'd be in heaven. He could literally give me a freaking plastic ring that didn't even fit me and I'd just be happy that he proposed. To all women out there who are shallow and feel the need to bitch and cry over how "cheap" your boyfriends are when they propose with a ring that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, you all seriously need to pull the diamond-encrusted iron poles out of your asses and learn that just because you're getting married to a guy doesn't mean he can or has to spend his entire life's savings on just the damn ring.

Byah 2

#283 It has nothing to do with the worth of the ring. It's about the guy being too much of a bitch to own up to the fact that he bought her a $10.50 ring. If you buy someone a $10.50 ring and the price comes up, you tell them the truth. You don't say it was worth $1,500 just so you can make yourself feel a little better about something you're apparently ashamed of. If he didn't have much money, why would he have lied about how much the ring cost? There would've been no embarrassment there. Comments are a great way to keep people coming back to the site, but they serve no purpose and are useless here. And the comments section is full of ultra-cynical people who seem determined to type before they think and therefore don't even get the FML's in the first place. It's like Youtube, except people have an inflated sense of self-worth because they have a decent command of the English language. Woohoo.

oh come on. women always need expensive rings or shit like that. at least he proposed. YDI for sure.

you must be ettin married pretty young if your shopping at american eagle... therefor your husband must be immature

village_boy 0

forget the ring as long as he loves you dearly

It's a ring...yes, they are pretty, however if you truly want to marry this man, because you love him, then WHO CARES how much it cost? It's a gesture, the ring is NOT your marriage. A symbol. Just because that symbol didn't cost what you thought, doesn't mean the question he asked you didn't come from love!! That is VERY shallow!! My husband of almost 7 years (in Sep) asked me the marry him on a couch at 3am, without a ring...I said YES because I LOVE him, not what type of ring he could give me! I now have had my ring for over 7 years, and it is a very simple band with 10 small diamonds, and I couldn't love it anymore...he asked me to be his wife, not to wear a ring.

Hey OP, just an idea here. Shouldn't it be the thought that counts? At least you're engaged, honey. You could be sitting there single... if you continue being that ungrateful, you might just turn out that way.

just be happy ur getting married. don't be a b*tch and complain about ur ring