By e11ie - 27/09/2009 20:57 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend and I were cuddling on the couch, he looked down at my chest and said "I can't wait for the day that these produce milk." We've only been dating a few months and I have no intention of lactating anytime soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 974
You deserved it 3 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiniatureMayhem 0


starryskyhearts 0

Oh wow. Grab his and say the same thing, and when he mentions that he can't produce milk because he's a guy, be like "Oh crap, I'm a lesbian!"

xxBAMFxx 0

Ummm... I only think a girl can lactate under three conditions 1. She has to pregnant. 2. A lactation drug. 3. Or has over producing mammary glands. But seriously your boyfriend saying that is freaking weird. Was he like, "show me them tittays!!!"

how's this a fml? it would've been an fml if you WERE prego

fanstasia 5

LOL! I can't seem to stop laughing at this one.

oconnd 0

amatayo 0

weird yeah but look at the light side. in a weird way he is saying he can see you two together in the future.

moopsy234 0

y don't u beleive me rikana??? I wudnt lie bout that gosh my dads side of the family is big boobd (not the men of corse) gosh *sigh*