By e11ie - 27/09/2009 20:57 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend and I were cuddling on the couch, he looked down at my chest and said "I can't wait for the day that these produce milk." We've only been dating a few months and I have no intention of lactating anytime soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 974
You deserved it 3 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiniatureMayhem 0


isnt that a common thing to say when looking at boobs? ;) but i mean he obviously trusts you so doesnt think so long about what he can and can not say. and isnt it a good thing that he loves u so much that hes already thinking of that...but maybe u should have only one night stands na?

Oh, come on. He wasn't saying you should get pregnant ASAP because he's super-excited about spending the next 18 years dealing with a child. He's a man, in all likelihood he was just contemplating the time-saving potential of having breasts and food in the same place. He's almost definitely not serious, YDI for overreacting.

hey, doesn't that mean if your eggo gets preggo he won't leave you?

jennadol95 0

18, obviously you are a hoe, 12 years old and already obsessed with your boobs? hmm? especially broadcasting that online? go look up pretty pink purses or something.. i bet this isnt the kind of attention you were looking for now was it? peace out little hoe. :]

_theman_ 0

lol the dude was probly saying that he wonders how much bigger they would be, and #18 if your breasts are that big then your fat, go outside at least once in your life

sounds like SOMEBODY didn't tell you the condom broke ;D congrats new mommy

he just wants to be with you idiot, sounds like he's too good for u if u couldn't figure that out, hopefully he'll find someone better than u