By Branman2480 - 19/09/2011 05:09 - United States

Today, while I was working at the golf course, two kids stole a golf cart and pulled a snowboard behind it. When I tried to stop them, they ran me over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 471
You deserved it 4 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

franticravyn 7

They say all teenagers scare the livin' shit outta me... They could care less as long as someone'll bleed.

This sounds like a job for Chuck Norris. It's ass kicking time.


tmmundy 17

you should have taken a few swings with golf balls at the little *****...knock'em right off the golf cart and snow board, depending how good of an aim you are...lmao

ok this doesnt hav to do with anything... but does anyone kno y none of my fmls r being comfirmed?

ikickgingers 15

Because you suck like the colts and I'm the dog pound baby!! Rawr. Seriously probably rejected for spelling errors. Just saying.

we hav to spell properly? tht explains it. lol thx

o and do we hav to write the "Today" and "FML"???

ikickgingers 15

at least their not out strapping bullet proof vest to bears so they can burn our women and rape our churches

perdix 29

Who cares about you -- what happened to the course? They didn't **** up the greens? Oh, God, no, not the greens! You can **** up the roughs and the traps, but leave the greens!

I don't know if this is really funny or really stupid, or both... I'll go with both.

I agree. Its funny and sad at the same time. Glad your ok OP

Were they trying to landboard? Hahaha, that really sucks, fyl.

lmaoatall 6

I bet you were t'd off. Did you happen to give them the birdie as they sped away? But golfboarding does sound fun. I'll be checking break and YouTube for that footage!