By g_unit - 10/12/2009 05:24 - Canada

Today, at work, I went to fold a pair of pants that was left in a changing room to find out that someone had taken a dump in them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 653
You deserved it 2 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder what goes through the mind of a person like this: "hmm, these new pants don't look as good on me as my old ones, I think i'll take a massive dump in them and wipe my ass with that ugly looking tie"


DreBeezy 9

Shut up.... Just.... Shut up.

You work with a bunch of animals! Speak with your HR department. That sort of shit shouldn't go unpunished.

The 'gift' was probably left behind by a customer who had tried on the pair of trousers. OP, are you quite sure you were in the changing rooms and not bathroom instead lol?

My friend that works in JCPennies says this sick stuff really happens. They had to quit putting garbage cans in the fitting rooms because people would pee in them! Wtf is wrong with people!! Someone here recently took did the same in a aeropostale fitting room, and must of got it on her/himself because it was on the walls. It was Horrifying.

Hell yes, JCPenny is gross. I went there once with my friend, and I was helping her choose pants in the fitting room, and then I notice in the corner someone had left bloody underwear...It was so ****** up nasty. OP - FYL D=

Take it to some lab n get their DNA tested...find out who it is then take a shit in their shoes. :)

I wonder what goes through the mind of a person like this: "hmm, these new pants don't look as good on me as my old ones, I think i'll take a massive dump in them and wipe my ass with that ugly looking tie"

My imagined scenario is more like... "Damn, I shit my pants! Good thing I'm in a store with new pants. I'll make them a delightful trade!"

Must be a shitty brand of jeans like Wranglers...

heh heh... (straightens the tie) Not that I know anything about that...

No of course not... I don't even have an anus... how could it be me *cough, cough*?