By Crapper. - 16/09/2016 20:35 - United States - Fayetteville

Today, I'm a janitor at a middle school. Someone took a poo and placed it on the sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 181
You deserved it 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mcruff 12

Middle schoolers are a bunch of *****

Every middle school has a Shitler. I remember walking into a bathroom stall once and seeing a turd placed directly on the rim of the toilet bowl once. That's some precision shartshooting there.


Please tell me it had Groucho Marx eyebrows on it! That would be awesome!

mcruff 12

Middle schoolers are a bunch of *****

Every middle school has a Shitler. I remember walking into a bathroom stall once and seeing a turd placed directly on the rim of the toilet bowl once. That's some precision shartshooting there.

I remember some dumbass did that when i was in 9th grade. He did it to what are the odds, got 3 days OSS

I remember being in middle school. This doesn't surprise me.

When I did middle school janitorial, I had one week where a kid was drawing smiley faces on the stalls with shit. Told one of my teacher friends about it who named the kid "The Poopetrator". Word got around and it never happened again. I assume he was too ashamed.