By Joel_mama - 27/07/2009 01:12 - New Zealand

Today, while driving home with my parents. I pretended to be asleep so mum wouldn't talk to me. They then took this time to describe what they were going to do to each other when they got home. In full detail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 006
You deserved it 20 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

silverx10 0

And this is why it pays to pretend with headphones on.

Right when they started you should have pretended to wake up and made a loud noise to let them know.


wanagetjagked 0

Dude, you've should've pretended to wake up so you wouldn't hear all of it. I wonder if you heard them do it at home O_O

that is why you always have a mp3 player

redcrayonsays 0

Dude, that's a huge No-no. You wake up and say "Mom, dad. WHAT THE **** I'M RIGHT HERE!" I'm sorry you had to go thru that. -_- Shit sucks.

EveryDayJackAss 0

oh shit....this is worse then hEARinG your parents have sex.....its like someone just had explosive diarhhea and told you EVERYYYY SINGLEEE DETAILL OF ITTT!!!!!!

thatonesinginkid 0

Ha, sucks for you. That's when you break out the whole "Yawn loudly, sit up, stretch, and ask the time" routine. It's usually bulletproof, I've used it countless times. unless of course you've got some sick ass parentals.

next time that happens... Tuck and Roll. then hitch hike your way back home

Bucinka 5

I'm tired of you teen douchebags who think your parents' sex life is about YOU. If they're young enough to still get it up and be into each other, hooray for them. You should be so lucky when you're their age, which I bet isn't all that old.

sublime420 11

Well, Im sick of YOU old motherfuckers gettin all up in our internets!

Iwantsushi1234 3