By dhbeaver - 17/03/2012 13:04 - United States

Today, while coming out of Walmart, I dropped a $50 bill. Some kid came running up after me yelling, "Hey mister, you dropped this!" as he ran past me laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 012
You deserved it 4 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So chase after him? He's a little kid they don't run that fast.


Consider it charity. Good deed. Oh well, hold onto your money better next time

I bet you wouldn't say that if it happened to you.

u lose $50 u were gonna use to take your girlfriend out to dinner with....

Beat the shit out the kid. Then steal 100 dollars from him. JUSTICE

the chance of the kid having 100 is pretty low...

Vegeto30294 19

Well he's already halfway there!

i would punch that little kid in the throat haha. that's a lot of money!

sourspraykay 8

This would be even worse if you are actually a woman

JaysFanStu 3

I do and millions of people. Problem, asshat?

JaysFanStu 3

I carry a debit card and credit card with pin numbers. No lost cash. Your move fucktard.

Hidden charges, fees, not good for tipping, you have to be more careful when you type you PIN number on the pad the cashier gives you, once it's stolen you can be as victim of identity theft, you have to be more careful with how much you spend before you get into debt paying those credit card bills, stupid to use for small purchases. Your move, ass-clown.

FajitaFreak 3

I use a credit card for everything. No fees whatsoever, unless I don't pay off the balance before the end of the month. Which I always do. The minute I am home, I log into my bank account and pay it off right away. I get cash back, and rewards. Also, buyer protection.

It's sad how little integrity this generation has. Also, you69 people who said YDI, ARE YOU MAD? How is accidentally dropping cash his fault? You Trolls :P