Merry holidays!

By Anonymous - 23/12/2023 09:00 - Australia

Today, I started antibiotics for a UTI. Now, along with a burning sensation whenever I pee, I also need to try not to fall asleep, put up with the headaches, nausea, and lightheadedness from the tablets, all while working two jobs and being a parent. Six days to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 444
You deserved it 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell your doc. there's more than one antibiotic. you're definitely not supposed to have those side effects.

um antibiotics aren't supposed to do that. you need something else


um antibiotics aren't supposed to do that. you need something else

TomeDr 24

There’s over the counter medication for UTI pain. It turns your urine bright orange but, as a chronic sufferer, I swear by it.

tell your doc. there's more than one antibiotic. you're definitely not supposed to have those side effects.