By dhbeaver - 17/03/2012 13:04 - United States

Today, while coming out of Walmart, I dropped a $50 bill. Some kid came running up after me yelling, "Hey mister, you dropped this!" as he ran past me laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 012
You deserved it 4 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So chase after him? He's a little kid they don't run that fast.


robokid777 4
specialneeds 0

I would have done the same thing except I wouldn't have said anything

iiFrench_Fries 5

Run after him? Cause the kid wouldnt leave wal-mart with 50._.

OHai15 12

its ok OP just be lucky it wasnt way more than day I found a 100 bill undersome dudes foot when i was younger. I picked it up and gave it to my mom thinking it was only $10. -__-

badmike89 6

Lmao I love my son so much I went and bought him a new Lego set with that thanks dude just know it will give him several hours of fun

I work at walmart and that doesn't surprise me one bit. Walmart customers can be asses. Just saying.

What's with the double standards? If this happened anywhere else you would all be "oh that sucks", but if it happens at Wal-Mart you're all "That's what you get/YDI for going to Wal-Mart". Seriously, no one deserves their stuff stolen by some little shit just because of the location it happened.