By fthislyfe - 02/07/2011 14:06 - United States

Today, while arm wrestling with my boyfriend, I had to pretend he beat me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 328
You deserved it 7 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

n1c0l3t 0

no honey it's about strength...

fthislyfe 22

OMG i cant believe they finally posted my FML ! im so excited


melt_fml 0

stop taking steroids, dude lady

It's not that big of a deal OP. YDI honestly

nyancat51424 0
nyancat51424 0
ThatLovelyGeek 0

Sex must be interesting....

justbigbs 6

What kind of "man" arm wrestles his GF, even for fun why would he "try" to win???? I wonder divorces happens more frequently if couples were actually honest with each other, oh well, I wouldn't know, HAHAHA

wow!! I have to do the EXACT same thing with mine! :)