By m - 09/09/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, we went to the mall and my husband picked me out some perfume. When I asked him why he liked that particular one he responded with, "that's what's the stripper at my bachelor party was wearing." He was completely serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 772
You deserved it 4 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reyo 2

No offence...but it sounds like you married a dumbshit. What kind of man discusses a relationship he's had with another woman to the woman he's supposed to be devoted to?

wow that blows, and she probably did too!

Comments what he probably means you are hot.

Thespade_fml 0

Hey why is it bad luck the guy likes the smell of stripper notin wrong with that :D

True. It wasn't any bachelor's party, it was his bachelor party right before getting married to YOU! That's why it's so important to him.

wow that blows, and she probably did too!

pedosmurf 7
Reyo 2

No offence...but it sounds like you married a dumbshit. What kind of man discusses a relationship he's had with another woman to the woman he's supposed to be devoted to?

i doubt very much he was having a "relationship" with a stripper. and it wouldn't be very hard to recognize a particular scent considering your sense of smell is tied most closely to memory compared to the other senses.

relationship!? It was his bachelor party! OP's husband just needs some tact..

he didnt have a relationship she was the stripper at his bachelor party i dont think this is a fml

You got a point there, definitely. Still kind of a downer. OP needs to tell him that certainly didn't make her feel good.

what Reyo meant was relationship in a sense as connection, interaction. obviously not a relationship in a sense of a couple thing. and i agree, he should not discuss that sort of relationship with his wife.

OMGoriginality 0

...obviously he had a good bachelor party and wants to keep the memory alive. What's wrong with that? Good ol'chap.

You better cuss him out =[ I'd have gone nuts.

Thank you, organisedchaos. That's EXACTLY what I wanted to say (to this dumbass and OP).

the_stereotype 0

boohoo...your husband had a hot stripper at his bachelor party. he got YOU the perfume

KBear816 0

Hey, it's only perfume. It's not like he picked out undies and asked you to wear them becuase its what the stripper was wearing. At least you know what scent he likes now!

.....He took the time to find out the name perfume the stripper was wearing?

Sun_Kissed18 25

Possibly just recognized the smell? Even then it's weird that he would remember that unless you just got married a couple days ago.

I think it's codeword for what he wears... when he's stripping. Bachelor party excuses are almost always a lie. And full of them.