By Rachel247 - 01/08/2009 23:13 - Israel

Today, we had a hike at my camp. We hiked in a line. I suddenly felt things hitting me at the back of the head. After a few minutes I finally turn around, only to discover a bunch of older guys throwing tampons at my head. They were my tampons, falling one by one out of my unzipped bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 514
You deserved it 10 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A step up from breadcrumbs, but apparently just as unreliable.

Imawhalerider 0


:( That sucks. Don't pay much attention to it, guys are stupid

Indeed FYL. Try and get your own back by throwing something personal of theirs at them.

Once i snuck food into an event by hiding it in the pocket of my purse where the tampons go. They searched, saw a bunch of tampons, and didn't look any further.

Any rasist should shut the piehole up and go shoot yourself.

MessyPaint 0

Back in high school, I remember this sort of thing happening sometimes, and I'd usually ignore it too. Most of the time assholes just want to get a rise out of you.

You know it only dawned on me quite recently that's why when I was in school girls were ALWAYS allowed bathroom breaks and guys weren't. lol

Lonelyinmovies 0

I would have put some water on it so when it hit her it would explode!!!

That is not how tampons work. They don't explode.