Nerf bullets

By aproudmom - 16/12/2019 20:00 - United States - Glen Head

Today, after work I came home to find my sons trying to use my tampons as nerf bullets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 755
You deserved it 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Regular nerf or mega? Did it work?

J15237 25

Did it launch is the number one question and hey at least your kids are using their imagination.


Depending on their age it’s not that big of a deal. Just sucks they used your tampons. A friend posted a pic of their 3 year old with them on his fingers. She called him Edward tampon hands first like a year or so.


Regular nerf or mega? Did it work?

J15237 25

Did it launch is the number one question and hey at least your kids are using their imagination.

Pretty ingenius, actually, as long as they were unused lol

I actually think this is funny. And your kids are quite imaginative.

Nerf teamed up with tampons manufacturers to develop a brand new insertion method