By DutchOven - 04/07/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, was my wedding. After eating, I had an urge to fart. I let one rip just before my husband and I were called to do the garter dance. He seductively tried to use his teeth to remove the garter and came out from under my dress dry heaving. I dutch ovened my husband in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 388
You deserved it 25 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kizatt 0

That is like one of the funniest FMLs I've ever read

dandymidori 0

This is hilariously disturbing! Did everyone realize that you did that?


pugler 0

This is the best fml I have ever read! If it were me I probably would have laughed uncontrollably in front of everyone.

mfpeanuthead 0

You are a disgusting monster that doesn't deserve a husband.

notFUNNYtoMEass 0

dude... it's just a fart.... if a guy can't handle a fart then they definitely wont be able to handle a marriage. so good luck finding that significant other that is oh so perfect!... and by that i really mean have fun being alone for the rest of your life

pingu_fml 0

# 133, you're an idiot. don't act like your farts don't stink. and she doesn't derserve to be married/happy because...?

Anything that involves a) farts, and b) weddings, is bound to be the best FML ever!! Lmao and right when you were supposed to do the garter thing haha! This one is definately my favorite so far.


CynicComedian 2

That's funny as hell! Holy shit, you guys are off to a great start! (no joke, things like this help a couple stay loose and always need stories to tell at parties...)

Dutch Oven! That rawks! Best FML ever.

BWAHAHAHA OMG i laughed so hard reading this!!! bummer for you, but still insanely hilarious!