By CollegeGrad - 25/04/2009 06:39 - United States

Today, was my graduation from a prestigious university. In two days I start working at a hot dog stand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 761
You deserved it 16 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

trilliamme 0

I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up doing something like this with my new shiny Bachelor's degree, too.


trilliamme 0

I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up doing something like this with my new shiny Bachelor's degree, too.

The University education is pretty much becoming worthless.

When the economy is bad, yeah, it doesn't help much. However in the long run it is very much worth having.

comment_guy 0

a lot of people have to do stuff like this now, it sucks

geesquared 0

That's the recession for ya. Sorry.

The U? BYU? I never knew they were so prestigious...

...then your university can't be that prestigious. #3 = false.

Lawl don't worry about that, you will have everything in due time.

arichi 0