By lunarclips - 27/06/2016 14:08 - Canada - Brandon

Today, is the day I graduate. Today is the day I have explosive diarrhea and I haven't moved far from the toilet since I woke up this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 093
You deserved it 1 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just carry a bucket under your graduation robe ;)

Wizardo 33

Just put some wheels on a toilet and take it with you ;)


Just carry a bucket under your graduation robe ;)

Wizardo 33

Just put some wheels on a toilet and take it with you ;)

You just described my dream scooter.

It's ok, OP. I'd rather spend a day on a throne than a few fleeting seconds on stage, too ;)

Congratulations on your graduation, mine was a few days ago and it was phenomenal, I'm sure yours will be great too.

Yeah there's no solution to that. Unlucky dude..

I drink this Meta stuff that you stir into water and in about an hour it works! Probably no use to you now, but hopefully it helps in the future.

Time to wear Adult size Diaper, when it smell, give the people next you a dirty Look, so this way the blame is on them.

Personally, I'd say "Great movie, isn't it?" Wait for them to reply then notice who said it.