Cat? Priceless

By Anonymous - 17/02/2022 00:01

Today, I was so lethargic talking to my co-worker about her raise that I accidently told her to celebrate with a family vacation. I totally forgot that she just started divorce proceedings and that her mom is dying. Meanwhile, I'm stuck making $42,000 a year, and have a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 367
You deserved it 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even with that paltry salary, you should be able to afford a dictionary so you can look up what "lethargic" means. You could have said insensitive, oblivious, forgetful, distracted, careless to describe why you abused your coworker like that.

So f your life, your coworkers life or f my life? I'm lost


Even with that paltry salary, you should be able to afford a dictionary so you can look up what "lethargic" means. You could have said insensitive, oblivious, forgetful, distracted, careless to describe why you abused your coworker like that.

So f your life, your coworkers life or f my life? I'm lost

your salary isn't that bad, unless you live in Manhattan.

I'm retired and wish I made 42,000 a year! (I do have a dog) 😁