By jinxofsocal - 21/06/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, was my boyfriend's birthday. He wanted a blowjob while playing Call of Duty 4. In typical gamer fashion, he slammed his controller down when he died. Into my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 398
You deserved it 27 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mclayton37 0

See... Your boyfriend has a problem. He likes to mix his pleasures. It just doesn't work. You have to put a stop to it, before one day he's playing video games, talking on the phone, taking a dump, and gettin a BJ from you all at the same time.. NO! It's like that episode of Seinfeld when George tries to enjoy some pastrami and watching TV while having sex.. you gotta stop it before it gets worse!


Personally, I think he's trying to tell her something. Double-ouch.

lol well it makes me smile to know that some women are willing to do this for their guy. But im sorry that he slammed the controller on your head... maybe he likes it rough... you should try bitting him : D

"Today it was my birthday and I felt pretty confident, so I asked my girlfriend to give me a ******* while I played my favorite game. She agreed to do it and it was awesome up to the point where I got killed, and out of habit, I slammed my controller down... on her head... FML." "Today I was being played by my owner while this woman gave him a *******. Next thing I know BOOM HEADSHOT and I'm being slammed down upon the poor girl's head. FML."

he still plays COD 4? haha now its all about COD WAW and triple ouch

dr_house_MD 0

COD 4 beats the shit out of COD WAW

Can people who suck at reversals please just stop...? It takes a little more wit than just retyping the FML with the roles reversed to make it actually funny. -.-

suckstobey0u 0

THANK YOU, TuxedoBento. Seriously, guys, stop.

WAW sucks same thing like COD 4 with the exception of zombies

and Halo 3 is better than both by a mile.

That's one of the worst games ever made, actually.

uLtra_attitude 0

well if you were any good he would've turned off the game when you started.

CoD waw is the worst piece of shit that treyarch has ever made. They even took the engine from cod 4 and still screwed it up

crazyghost7 0

cod4 has better online than waw i personally think..... and that sucks for your head, at least he didnt stand up and throw it at the controller at the ground , that would have hurt more.....lmao hope ur head gets better lol

taureau139 0

a game doesnt stop being good just because a new version comes out....

Ohhh i did the same thing for my then boyfriend. haha the sad thing is im more of a video gamer than he is !! haha :P PS3 is the best COD is the best :D

Agreed, why else would they decide to make another MW.

Bah, WAW fails in comparison to COD4. Except the nazi zombies, of course.

kcmcg09 0

i play cod4 a lot but really y wuld u be focusing on that if ur getting a bj at the moment?

Wow Wow, dont call me a dbag for wanting to be first but I have to ask. I think I was playing this same guy when I was online the other day. Was he wearing a microphone?

mini_cupcake 0

seriously, the first one was the best. c'mon, i'm a GIRL saying this!!! ((oh, and my boyfriend read this, now he's just waiting for his mom to leave...))

mini_cupcake 0

and for all those guys reading this: DON'T GRAB A GIRL'S HEAD AND SHOVE IT AROUND WHEN SHE'S GOING DOWN ON YOU!! ((unless she says she likes it =D)) cause it's a great way to get yourself bit. and she will never do it again. ((pushing her head against a brick wall hurts too =,( ))

Maybe in your opinion but the way these people speak, Your outnumbered

Allord 0

Today, i was a couch being sat on by some douchebag getting blown while playing some retarded videogame. I couldn't really pay attention to what was going on because he had a BAD case of the farts.

just because you guys spend too much time on this site and have probably read every fml comment there is it doesn't make it unfunny it just means you have no lives relax, and learn to take a joke

evilspongebob 0

thats like saying im gonna pull over just cuz im gonna blow in her mouth. aint happening chief.

Was he paying attention to you or the game

sammehsaurus 0

hey, you gave him a blow to the head.. he just wanted to return the favor ;D


devilsonic 0

well cod6 is better than cod 4 5 and halo conbined

mattrules44 0

really cause its financially one of the best games ever made on any cobsole ever and its funner than c0<k of duty

kiefenator 0

can anyone say cod black ops ftw?

he was clearly paying more attention to the game.

He was probably playing against me that's why. So, i'm sorry!

gDwane 0

dude, you guys say it like you can put a ******* kill/death ratio on a resume. it's just a game! Stfu!

367 i put my k/d ratio on my resume, and i got hired. now my habit pays for itsself

thisissilly123 0

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mojomojo_fml 5

As a guy, that is awesome. When I grow up, I want to be him.

FBIWarning 0

Yea #3 you're ******* retarded, that shit is awesome!

yeah dude, the **** is wrong with you? BJ while playing vid games is probably the awesomest birthday present ever

20seniorparty09 0

unfortunately for them it's a mix of there 2 favorite things, my boy has asked me to do the same a few times lol

mclayton37 0

See... Your boyfriend has a problem. He likes to mix his pleasures. It just doesn't work. You have to put a stop to it, before one day he's playing video games, talking on the phone, taking a dump, and gettin a BJ from you all at the same time.. NO! It's like that episode of Seinfeld when George tries to enjoy some pastrami and watching TV while having sex.. you gotta stop it before it gets worse!

mylittlecrow 0

Lolz that episode of seinfeld was awesome XD but seriously, your bf is crap, you should have bit him

Don_fml 0

No episode of Seinfeld was funny... ever.

i agree, shoulda bit him. hard! when that controller hit your head.

sirwillis 0

i dont see how you get angry while getting a BJ?

Nah...for her birthday he has to go down on her while she bashes his head with any hard object from 1 of her hobbies 😂

Leiqha 0

lmao hahahah :] made my day lol. that sounds like something that would happen to me.

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What do you mean by such a boyfriend? Like, he's bad because he wanted a blowie whilst playing video games? Or that he slammed the controller on her head? It's probably not his fault, I do that out of habit sometimes, as well. He got what was coming to him, though, when she bit down on his junk when she got hit, I'm sure.

Agreed, the mouth should be used for kissing and and not for bj's.


probably because you have never gotten one

KittenOnAcid 1

omg you guy stop being *****, im sure you would be freaking estatic if a guy went down on you, if you never had it done before that sucks for you. plus games+oral = best gf everrrr

ew and ugh, jeez what an ass, you don't need a bf like that...

Manny_B92 0

Yeah prolly didn't hurt half as much as when you bit down on his knob from the shock...