By protoskore - 23/06/2015 18:38 - Israel

Today, my boss confided in me that when a gay person visits his house, he discreetly follows them around and cleans anything they touched and everywhere they sat with disinfectant wipes. I've worked for him for 7 years but he doesn't know I'm gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 610
You deserved it 2 595

protoskore tells us more.

the business is family owned. the only way to get past a certain point in the hierarchy is to marry one of the daughters and none of them is my type :) besides, I'm fairly well placed and trusted, and the bonuses are large and come often enough.

Top comments

To think we're in the year 2015 and people still react to homosexuality like it's contagious. Sorry to hear that OP, Hopefully your boss gets his head out of his ass and is more accepting.

Then go to his house and make sure you touch EVERYTHING. You might be out of a job, but it will be so worth it.


To think we're in the year 2015 and people still react to homosexuality like it's contagious. Sorry to hear that OP, Hopefully your boss gets his head out of his ass and is more accepting.

"Homosexual people have no intention to turn others homosexual, homophobes intend to turn others homophobic".

I don't think that's the reason in this case. Doubt that the boss thinks being gay, itself is contagious. The cleaning after with wipes probably means the boss thinks that if you're gay, you're automatically dirty. Embarrassing, but I have someone in my extended family that thinks like this idiot boss does. He views all homosexuals as most likely to be promiscuous. Family or not, I stopped speaking to him because I got tired of his homophobic rants.

Come on, let's let bigots be bigots. The world is less fun without people to look down upon. Who are we gonna fire shots at if everybody plays nice?

By letting "bigots be bigots" you're saying it's okay to let these people continue to perpetuate hate. These people are the reason many cant live a comfortable life out of the closet, the reason teens are homeless after coming out, and the reason trans people still feel uncomfortable in their own skin EVEN AFTER transition, due to the harsh judgement these bigots give. Sure, they're fun to laugh at, but at what cost? We have so many other things to laugh at, why keep bigots around for the sake of entertainment when many loose their lives because of these jerks?

I think you're reading a little far into my clear grandstanding.

to think we're in the year 2015 and and every one wants freedom to choose to live how they want EXCEPT when the choose not to approve your lifestyle choice, then it's still wrong.

Glad that the generation of hpmophobes is quickly drawing to an end

I have seen people like OPs boss. It doesn't matter if it 2015 or 1970 stupidity exists forever.

Well, this is in Israel. The Middle East doesn't take too kindly to any sort of sexual deviancy.

Dude you would get killed if your gay on the middle eats

10: and what of the homosexual who promised he would "turn me"?

#42 OP's boss is free to be a bigot. Accurately calling him a bigot in no way affects his freedom to be one.

And what of the many men that lesbians deal with that see it as a challenge or rape them to "turn" them? Congrats, you found a homosexual asshole. We are just like other people, we aren't magically all kind. We might be more likely to be kind, but that's because of what many have to go through and that could also send them the opposite way into dickville. I have to deal with people viewing my relationship with my girlfriend as less than other relationships and try to set me up with a boy and being scared to say her gender. Sorry you had to go through one homosexual that showed themselves to be a dick.

Now would not be s good time to come out to him..

Your boss sounds like an ass, that's horrible to reveal to anyone! The stupidity of people sometimes is just surprising.

dantee2005 33

It would be fun to watch him freak out when u hand him a box of baby wipes and slowly whisper "I'm gay"

Ava_Darkflame 26

OP, PLEASE do this, it is not a horrible thing like other suggestions, this is just too funny. Find an appropriate tume to do this, or IF (coincidentally, im NOT saying quit your job) you ever find another job and quit, just back out the ddoor and do this. it'd be awesome. Hope there's a follow up. #4 That is so awesome.

Then go to his house and make sure you touch EVERYTHING. You might be out of a job, but it will be so worth it.

Nah, he won't get fired unless he's not discreet or the boss knows.

Including his wife, that'd confuse him big time.

noonenoeone 22

It might be more effective if OP just went to his boss's house and jerked off everywhere if he's truly not concerned with losing his job of 7 years. On the other hand how would it even be remotely worth it to lose your job just to trigger someone's compulsion...seems rather petty and makes you no better than the boss.

And the next day let him overhear you talking to a friend about being gay.

I've been to his home countless times over the years. If I ever leave the company and tell him, he'll probably be forced to burn the house down.

If you ever leave and tell him, please hand him a bottle of dettol as a goodbye present!

He knowingly had gay people in his house, I'm assuming he didn't perpetuate any kind of over the top ignorance in their presence. Am I the only one that thinks this is a step in the right direction? He's stupid but he doesn't seem hateful.

What makes you assume OP isn't already out of the closet? Hell, how do you know that OP was in a closet in the first place? This is all crucial information!

Coming out doesn't mean you have to shove it into everyones face. Unles someone wants a relationship with you, your sexuality is private info.

leogachi 15

Casually mentioning that you're gay isn't the same as shoving it in someone's face.

This is the most beautiful thing I've read all day. The irony, that is, not the fact that your boss is a homophobic mental case. If you ever plan on quitting that job make sure to take your leave with a curt "Oh, by the way. Did you know...?" (Something I wish I could do for sure.)

Now tell him and watch him freak out and clean the entire office.