By Goldar - 10/04/2013 02:44 - United States

Today, thinking I was alone at work, I did an impression of Goldar from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I turned around to find out I wasn't alone; a cute girl was staring at me, unimpressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 936
You deserved it 20 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Power rangers, like pokemon, will never grow old, they shall both always be classics.

"The less you care, the happier you'll be." - Patrick Star


The worse kind of people are the ones that can't take a damn joke.

sugarshane007 20

Good job! You certainly repulsed that Rita!

johnnyboy7 5

Force her to be impressed >:)

LegendofZelda88 8

It's only because you imitated the evil side OP, should've went with the Green Ranger and called the Dragon Zord.

JoeCookieRaider 5

You haven't learned, OP? Your never alone

Well if she can't find the humor she's rather an ugly girl in my opinion.

uhnevermind 24

She was only unimpressed because her impression of Goldar is better.