By Goldar - 10/04/2013 02:44 - United States

Today, thinking I was alone at work, I did an impression of Goldar from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I turned around to find out I wasn't alone; a cute girl was staring at me, unimpressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 936
You deserved it 20 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Power rangers, like pokemon, will never grow old, they shall both always be classics.

"The less you care, the happier you'll be." - Patrick Star


Now would be the time to summon the Putty Patrol and have them get rid of her Goldar!

If she wasn't impressed by that (surely awesome) impression and didn't get the reference, she's not cool enough for you.

onorexveritas 23

I would provably be taken aback if I'd been in her situation... mostly because I remember close to nothing about the power rangers

I would have been impressed and slightly turned on

I would definitely ask you out after that XD

icepick23 12

She was staring at the hot guy behind you

Maybe if you tried a Lord Zed or a Zordon impression she'd be more impressed.

That show is awesome! Apparently the cute girl is not.

thats awesome... sometimes chicks are hard to please..

Power rangers, really?!? That show is for 5 year olds.

If someone wants to watch Power Rangers then guess what? That's their prerogative. And by the way, the original Power Rangers have and always will be amazing! Power Rangers or GTFO!