By fat teen - 05/06/2016 23:33 - United Kingdom - Leeds

Today, I decided to get back in shape so I went swimming. I only managed 10 lengths and was completely out of breath. I was so embarrassed that when a lifeguard asked me if I was OK, I made up a story about a leg injury as a reason to leave only 15 minutes after I got in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 526
You deserved it 2 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's perfectly fine. Just remember it is going to take you some time to get back in to things especially with more vigorous exercises like swimming. Wish you the best of luck with getting back into shape.

10 lengths? That's pretty good! I would be tired after 10 lengths as well. Next time maybe after the 10 lengths take a break to catch your breath and do another 10 lengths. Never give up. Never back down. You can do it bro!


Now you just have to actually injure your leg

It's perfectly fine. Just remember it is going to take you some time to get back in to things especially with more vigorous exercises like swimming. Wish you the best of luck with getting back into shape.

Swimming is actually less rigorous because it's easier to move your body through water. It feels more difficult because most people have poor form (not saying I have good form, mine's OK at best). To get a good swim workout you have to be in there for a bit.

It's easier to move through air than it is water. That's why swimming is a type of water RESISTANCE exercise.

Uhmmm, no? Have you done any research about working out? Swimming, specifically? Obviously not, and I'm talking to downvoters too. If you had, you'd know that I am, in fact, correct and not talking out of my ass.

It is actually scientifically harder to move through water than air. In water, the molecules are closer together than in air creating a greater resistance.

Just tell him your perception of time is vastly different than his, as you experienced two full rotations of the earth while swimming. :p

Hey, at least you're trying! Don't beat yourself up, OP.

10 lengths? That's pretty good! I would be tired after 10 lengths as well. Next time maybe after the 10 lengths take a break to catch your breath and do another 10 lengths. Never give up. Never back down. You can do it bro!

mebad_fml 18

Is a length the length of a pool?

This. You did your first 15 minutes--great job! Come back tomorrow and do another 15. Work your way up. Slow and steady gets you back in shape.

That sucks Op! I hope you get in shape soon.

Well I mean, you tried, and that's all that matters, right?

Keep at it. Tomorrow: 12 lengths. "Pain is weakness leaving the body" or something.

sweat, is burning fat crying. lol. I can't remember who told me.

No, he should rest tomorrow. If you do too many intense workouts in too short of a time span then you run the risk of injury

10 lengths is nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe next time try to see if setting a more more moderate pace leaves you less out of breath. As long as you don't push yourself to exhaustion there's nothing wrong with taking a short rest in between laps until you are ready to go again, even if that means a rest every 10 laps.

It's alright! I just started swimming again 5 weeks ago and only did 8-10 lengths 4 times week, but you'llbe surprised how fast you can manage more! Now I can easily do 25, and I feel great! You should be proud of yourself, because I sure am. Keep going, it's worth it. You're worth it :)