By IneedMaury - 16/06/2014 15:30 - United States - Lowell

Today, the girl who broke up with me and disappeared 6 years ago wished me a happy Father's Day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 442
You deserved it 6 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if it was me, I'd still like to know who my kid is even if I had to pay child support


Do you have children already is the question. Maybe she is checking in on you, a great way to start conversation. But if no kids then she's hinting maybe you guys should talk.

Now that sucks! But all this time she makes contact with you. Hmmm, I think she's after something. Money? Child support? Good luck.

Why would she wait so long to tell you maybe she just assumed you had a child by now

Why wait 6 yrs thou. I would understand if it was a one night stand & lost details but to have dated than broke up with him. Why wait to let him know. Should of known some way to get hold of him

pennamay 11

That's awful she's kept your child hidden from you

the_Jessicaaa 11

Can't wait to see that episode

Thats one way to break the news I guess.

wow, way to rain on your parade on a would-be happy day :/ oh well. i would actually want to meet the guy, but that's just me.