By Got_any_grapes1 - 11/04/2011 17:23 - United States

Today, the girl I was babysitting was being disrespectful to me, so I took away her stuffed animal and told her that she couldn't have it back until she apologized. She ended up sneaking onto my laptop and deleting all the pictures I'd saved from my recent vacation to Europe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 386
You deserved it 20 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CateXOX 0

You shouldn't have left your laptop and babysitee unattended. It's your responsibility to watch what she's doing.


rip the head off the stuffed animal and impale it on something - then scatter the stuffing around her room. that ought to horrify her. don't do anything to the computer. files can be undeleted. find a nerd, they know about stuff like that.

YDI for not backing-up ur files u see boys and girls this is what happens when ur a noob

Auntie_Christ 0

Backup, backup, backup. Heck, even my nephew knows how to THAT! YDI

Auntie_Christ 0

Have you tried turning on your screen saver?

simply_improper 1

you should have been doing your job and that would not have happened ydi

ideasrule 13

Remove the hard disk and connect it to another computer via an adapter. Download Recuva, Undelete, R-Studio Recovery, or one of the many other data recovery programs. Scan the disk and recover the photos. Very easy & simple.

Did you meet a guy in a pub in temple bar dublin. because i met a girl from florida on a trip to europe not two weeks ago.

I would have beat her so bad she would change her race. >:}

kkay_soccergirl 0

please tell me you don't babysit