By CaraMaria - 24/11/2015 09:02 - United States

Today, I was roused from my peaceful slumber by the sound of evil laughter coming from my closet. It was my old Furby, with dead batteries, that I could have sworn I got rid of several years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 078
You deserved it 2 427

CaraMaria tells us more.

Yes. I have since tried to destroy the demonic thing, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it comes back to life.

Top comments

Burn down the house. Get out while you can.

Maybe they added a secret back up function that would turn it on and scare the living shit out of someone years later :P


Burn down the house. Get out while you can.

Badkarma4u 17

When you kill a spider, it stays dead. When you kill a Furby, it comes back with an evil vengeance.

unless it gets nuked, oh shit, furbys can survive nukes

awildwhisper 30

Am I one of the only people who loved and still loves furbies??????

markiemark21 6

That's because you haven't had a mind numbing experience with the little bastards....I to have also had a batteryless furby spring to life on me.

The only way to get rid of the curse is to anally fist yourself.

Maybe they added a secret back up function that would turn it on and scare the living shit out of someone years later :P

That's ok I had the same thing happen to me with a toy grill

This FML sounds like the plot to a goosebumps book.

kittykat1501 31

no. If you are old enough to understand the plot at all, they are not scary. Fear Street, however... (both are by the same author.)

yuky19 11

Run and don't come back. Buy a ticket to the moon and go there

Psycocharger 19


I threw mine out the bedroom window as a kid. I was on the second story and in the morning it was out there still making demonic noises.....they creep me out.

It's not a Furby... It's a death machine. It's a fluffy robot designed to haunt you for years xD

And you hadn't already tossed out the ugly little thing before why?

She did. I saw this in moderation and it's been edited. What the original said was: "Today, I was roused from my peaceful slumber by the sound of evil laughter coming from my closest. It was my old Furby. My old Furby with the dead batteries that I could have sworn I got rid of several years ago. FML" Personally, I think the original version is funnier than the edited one.

"I could have sworn I got rid of several years ago."

I assume he meant he got rid of the furbey, just forgot the comma after the batteries

It was the Furby I could have sworn I threw away, not the batteries. This was just edited in a way that made it a little confusing

It was the Furby I swore I threw away, not the batteries

What?! A furby?? oh is too late now..i bet he is at the door right now :0