By Got_any_grapes1 - 11/04/2011 17:23 - United States

Today, the girl I was babysitting was being disrespectful to me, so I took away her stuffed animal and told her that she couldn't have it back until she apologized. She ended up sneaking onto my laptop and deleting all the pictures I'd saved from my recent vacation to Europe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 386
You deserved it 20 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CateXOX 0

You shouldn't have left your laptop and babysitee unattended. It's your responsibility to watch what she's doing.


Um... I'm pretty sure they'd still be in the recycle bin, OR on your memory card in your camera?? God.

Strangle her and tell her you'll let go when she pays for another trip to Europe

for pizza give the kid what she wants

I'm sure by "disrespectful" it was something moronic that your insecure, paranoid brain projected onto a child. YDI for being a psycho bitch.

that little bitch I would've ripped the head of that stuffed animal and throw it in her face as hard as I can

not that hard to restore (even if she deleted them in the bin) if u get the comp to someone with at least a little knowledge about PCs

You know, normal people go on vacation to a country. Did you only stay everywhere for 2 days, or what? Yeah, wow, you saw the tourist parts of some European capitals, must have been some vacation. Also YDI for not having a backup.