By Crushed - 04/11/2016 14:23

Today, the girl I've had a crush on for months invited me on a group hiking trip this weekend so that she won't be the most out of shape person on the trail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 881
You deserved it 1 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Become workout buddies and take it from there... That'd be more quality time than most actually get these days... Good luck!

Did she actually tell you that when asking you to go?


Xelabasat 14

This is worse than the friend zone. Its the pet zone.

Become workout buddies and take it from there... That'd be more quality time than most actually get these days... Good luck!

Did she actually tell you that when asking you to go?

It seems a rather strange thing to assume, so I'm guessing she did. That and the OP's username is "Crushed".

tounces7 27

If she did tell him that - it could just be a cover for the fact she might actually like him.

Yea, I feel like she was joking and OP being self conscious didn't realize it. I try not to mention shape, but I often include a teasing comment in invitations, and in most interactions. She's probably just that kind of person; it's hard for me to imagine that a person exists who would actually invite someone for that reason AND directly tell them.

She probably just wants someone on her own level to hang back with, since she knows she's going to have to take breaks more frequently than the rest of the group. That way it's not just her and a crowd of angry fitness enthusiasts staring at her impatiently. I don't think you should necessarily read too much into negative implications. Especially if you guys do what many friends do, which is to regularly commiserate over the fact that both of you wish to be more fit than you are currently. (Which describes 90% of people, so don't feel bad about it.)

You two marshmallows can start the hike, run out of energy and go home together. Bada-boom, bada-bing!

Does that mean she feels good being with you? That's a good sign.

It sounds like an awkward joke gone wrong. Girls are often shy about asking guys out, maybe she was feeling awkward and blurted out something she didn't think through. I'm pretty sure I'd be capable of saying something similar.

Dude, regardless of what her intentions were with that comment, it sounds like it's time to start hitting the gym. Even if you're not that overweight, it only helps your chances.