By ikungfuyou - 27/12/2011 07:11 - United States

By ikungfuyou - 27/12/2011 07:11 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/03/2024 10:00 - United States
By Isabell - 06/02/2010 05:31 - Australia
By Anonymous - 25/11/2023 22:00 - Germany
By Anonymous - 27/05/2019 00:14
By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/09/2012 05:28 - United States - Fort Lauderdale
By Audrey - 21/07/2020 14:01
By Jill Shanks - 01/09/2010 06:16 - United States
By eric - 16/03/2011 07:31 - United States
By GoldenTornado11 - 10/05/2017 14:00
Awkward... But at least it's your own place so you do have a right to privacy.
Learn to lock doors?
Also OPs mom learned to knock next time
20: I suspect she has a key.
Agree with 38, she probably has the keys, but she shouldn't come unnanounced...
Deer in headlights?
60- don't make fun of Canadiens. there's lots of them here.
81 - Canadians can't spell
51, Plenty of people give their neighbours or family keys on the off chance that there is an emergency or they have locked themselves out. Common sense is still around, you just don't know about it because apparently you lack it.
Try locking your doors next time. Be happy it was your mom and not an armed felon.
No FYLDeep, you got it right the first time. it isn't....
And - suddenly ZZ Top's "Pearl Necklace" is playing in my head...
FAPMAN to the rescue!
Assuming the front door wasn't locked, it wouldn't make any difference. People don't have the right to enter another persons property unless permitted by the owner. The mother was in the wrong regardless of the situation unless they had organised for her to come by previously, end of story. Locking the door is irrelevant.
Guys guys, I was being sarcastic because he didn't edit his own post, instead he made a new one like I just did.
Maybe he's claustrofobic while jacking. I am, that's why I whack outside. Behind the bushes near the kindergarden.
They.. Make those??
Huh, thats why you lock doors...
Well served for not doing anything productive with that time. And yeah well, for not locking your door.
Oh I think he produced enough nomsain?
The way to flip the awkwardness, stare right at her and go faster. She'll learn to knock.
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick Jack burnt off his ******' dick.
Hilarious comment!! But any parent that can stand there long enough to have their son stare at them and go faster while catching them ********** is disturbed!!
LMAO... this, so much this.
The way to flip the awkwardness, stare right at her and go faster. She'll learn to knock.
Awkward... But at least it's your own place so you do have a right to privacy.